Business InfoCard

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Welcome! Welcome! We want to make your auction experience as easy and as fun as possible. We also know you're anxious to get started, so we've quickly outlined a brief explanation of our company, and our registration and bidding process.

- Your DealDeal Auction Team is a WebCrawler Certified Merchant!Netscape NetCenter Recommended SiteInfoseek gives it's Best Rating! is an Excite-Certified MerchantVerisign Safe Shopping SiteGomez 1 Customer Service Auction Medal

What is is a leading consignor-based online auction committed to offering customers quality products at incredible prices.

It's not just your work, It's your life, back it up with Zip

"Tell your story. Sell your Products."

But remember a Picture is still worth 1000 words?

This Business InfoCard is 

FREE for 3 months.

When you pay $90.00 for 1 year... save $30.00 


This Standard Virtual Business Card Product Display 

is great for testing the internet.

Just $120.00 per year for set up and 12 months of hosting.  You get a picture plus a 1000 words of text to describe your product or service. You also receive a Free email at 


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20159 Lassen St.

Chatsworth, Ca 91311

Telephone: 877.642.3337

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